Anyone else already over the red, pink, white, flowers, cards, and bears?

Not just me?

Awesome! 😀

But seriously, this week brings Valentine’s Day, the one day that for some paired folk will dictate if they get to remain in that pair.

That seems like a lot of responsibility for one day, no?

And what of the single folk?

I’m an expert at what to do when you’re single and Valentine’s Day is approaching: celebrate it. Yes, seriously.

No, I’m not on some Single Awareness Day type of thing (although Half-Price Candy Day is TOTALLY a thing.) Hear me out.

If Valentine’s Day is about love, does that mean the love has to solely be for someone else? Why can’t it be for just ourselves too? It’s like an extra birthday! A day that’s just about you. If you’re in a position where celebrating yourself is a wonderful, self care idea, I say do so.

Not for nothing, every year I happen to be single, I celebrate myself on Valentine’s Day. When coupled, I celebrate my partner and myself (extra gifts!) I buy myself delicious candy and pretty underwear and banging outfits and take my damn self out on a date, doing all things that make me happy.

It’s been a rough road to valuing my own time and company. Particularly with holidays like this, so focused on romantic love, it is easy to remember that we have to put ourselves first.

So, this week, I’ll be doing some look books for pretty outfits and the lovely things to put underneath, as well as a makeup and nail look for you. Keep in mind–these posts won’t just be for the coupled, they’ll be for those who just enjoy pretty clothes, lingerie, nails, and makeup. And will take themselves out to brunch or meet up with their best friends. Or for people like me, who will likely stay home and watch Netflix and make popcorn in fancy, lacy underthings, hiding from the weather.

Because winter just won’t go away now.


Come on this journey with me. Pretty, lacy underpants post tomorrow!


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