So, I Was Part Of A Thing…

And now I finally get to share it!

So, a while back I shared these looks on my Facebook:



And I told y’all that I was working on a really cool project? Well, part one of that project is done, and I’m so happy to share this with y’all!

So, this project I was part of is all about natural hair and beauty, and I was so happy to participate. Most images of natural hair pretty much stick to the uniform corkscrew curls. Now, don’t get me wrong—those curls are gorgeous. But it also tends to edge out those who have fluffier, less defined curls (mine) or those with dreadlocks or those with puffs, and so on and so on.

Further, when we look at natural hair in mainstream media…well, you don’t see it. Not in all of its forms; not in all of its glory. Think about it: the last time you saw a music video, did any of the women have natural hair? Hear any songs praising those kinky curls?

Well, this video has all of that, and I got to be in it. 🙂

Without further ado, I present to you: Natural Love: A Vignette.

The song was written and produced by the same guy that directed this piece, Civil Justus. You can see his other work on his channel here, and read up on his other projects here. This is just the first part; the next part is interviews about our hair.

I had an amazing time working on this,and am so honored to be a part of it! I can’t wait to share the next part with you. 🙂

Hair Positivity YouTube

Makeup Friday!

Hi loves!

I know I promised y’all a makeup look today, but my pictures did not come out the way I’d planned.


I’m such a perfectionist when it comes to my makeup that I just can’t show y’all subpar work.

So, I’m going to give y’all a bonus Sunday makeup post (Scout’s honor!) with the same look I couldn’t seem to get right today.

As an apology, I’m sharing this video. This is what inspired the look I’m showing y’all Sunday. Hopefully I can get better pictures taken.

Enjoy, and happy weekend! (See y’all Sunday!)

Makeup Looks YouTube

The Struggles of Recording for YouTube or, The Premiere of Evolutionary Beauty!

This has been a long time coming. But first: Storytime!

So, I had a weekend off (rare these days), and took the time to get all of the equipment set up and such for my YouTube channel.

I was up bright and early Saturday to get this done, since I figured I finally had everything. Here, see:


So now that I have it all set up, I go to hook the camera up to my laptop so I can see what I’m doing.

Apparently, that’s not supported.



I search my brain, thinking of alternatives I can do. Nothing on the Nikon site, Google isn’t helping. Hmm.

Then it hits me: just use an HDMI cable. If you can hook it up to your tv and see what you need to see, you can surely hook it up to the computer, right?

Nope! Even hooked up to the tv (my plan b), it still didn’t show me anything except “no files found.” After I spent money on an adapter that I no longer need (it’s going back), nothing.

Well then. I fire up Google again, and manage to find that…no, there really isn’t a way that Nikon made so that I can see what I’m doing on my computer. But the lovely Google found me a program that allows me to control my camera from my computer (digiCamControl, for any of you other Nikon and Canon users). And wow! I can now see if I’m in focus before I start filming.

So I go ahead and get myself ready to start, and…the damn camera won’t record. Now I’m stumped, and then everything goes black.

Battery died.

The fuckery.  -_-

At this point, I am beyond frustrated and ready to just go to bed. But I waited for my battery to charge, and recorded.

I won’t tell y’all that after 11 hours of fighting with equipment, I had everything recorded in about 30-45 minutes. Nope. Won’t do that. Still bitter.

But all of that hard work paid off! Presenting the Perfect Red Lip tutorial on Evolutionary Beauty!

Please let me know what you think, and please like and subscribe.

Suggestions or requests for tutorials? Leave them in the comments below!

Stories YouTube