I meant to have this post up Friday, but Life.

Then Hangover.

I had fun. 🙂

Anyway! I wanted to show you all the look I did for NYCC on Saturday (about a week ago.)

So, when we last left off, I’d changed my costume at the last minute.

I decided I wanted to be the Riddler. 😀

I’d sourced new materials, and eagerly waited on them to arrive. I had two ways of doing it: either using paint, or using felt and a glue gun. I wanted the felt and the glue gun.

That didn’t show up until Friday afternoon. I didn’t procrastinate this outfit, though. It was already done by then.

I took this dress from Modcloth:

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Got some fabric paint (I used this), a sponge brush, and made a question mark stencil out of cardboard. About 3 1/2 hours later, I had this:



Shoes are from Payless (I know!)

I also made myself a bowler hat. I just got a small party sized hat from Amazon (you could probably get them in bulk around this time of year) and added some rhinestones all over it:


Now, the original design had the dress with black felt question marks all over it. But I have to admit, glittery just seems so…me. And of course, my nails had to coordinate:


I really loved how everything came out! I also have a new respect for those cosplayers that actually do stitching and things. Just painting those question marks took absolutely forever, and taking the sleeves off the blouse I had on underneath the dress took another hour. That’s why I am already planning next year’s costumes. And next year? There WILL be Lady Joker.

Also: Jaime Bond.



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